Incepta Pharmaceutical Ltd.

Incepta Pharmaceutical Ltd. is the second largest pharmaceutical company in the country with a market share of 10.21% in the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh. It was founded in 1999 by Abdul Muktadir. The pharmaceutical company, established as a concern of Impress Group, has two more sister concerns Incepta Vaccine and Neocare. Insepta Pharmaceuticals’ products include capsules, tablets, nasal sprays, eye drops, and more than 600 generic drugs. The company also specializes in the preparation of medicines such as sustained-release tablets, quick-mouth dissolving tablets, effervescent tablets, and insulin.

The drugs are manufactured at the company’s manufacturing plants in Savar and Dhamrai. Incepta operates its own distribution network through 28 depots across the country and employs about 10,000 people. Apart from Bangladesh, the drugs manufactured by the company are being exported to 78 countries of the world. Since its inception, Incepta has focused on launching new and innovative products.

Incepta and its sister concerns are currently manufacturing products such as human vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, biotech products, hormones, natural products, animal health products, hygiene products, and hospital devices. According to a January 2021 report in The Daily Star, Incepta Pharmaceutical has an annual turnover of BDT 2,755 crore.

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